Welcome back to day 56 of my daily author reading series of Effective Virtual Conversations. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve taken you through nine different types of virtual conversations we may have – from mentoring, to virtual team development, peer learning, to coaching. Today we turn our attention to Chapter 5 – Design: Creating The Container. As Walt Disney wrote “You can design and create and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it takes people to make the dream a reality”. This chapter is going to explore the best practices for virtual conversations, at two level – the macro level of design from program idea to implementation, and then the micro-level of start to finish in a session. In this first installment for chapter 5, I cover:
Enjoy today’s focus and please be sure to share with us your favorite part of the PEBBLLES ETC module. Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here
Welcome back to day 55 of the Daily Reading Series as part of my response to COVID-19. I hope that these daily installments from my 2017 book, Effective Virtual Conversations, provides you with the opportunity to focus in on building your skills and practices in virtual conversations. Today we explore pages 151 – 153 of Effective Virtual Conversations, a section which you will want to grab a pen and paper for. In today’s installment I explore eight different areas you may find yourself having conversations around as a team, group, or with an individual including:
For each area, I share a handful of different activities related to that topic. Many of these are expanded upon in Chapter 7 of Effective Virtual Conversations. You may also want to check out some of the Facebook Lives I have hosted over at my Effective Group Coaching page in the last few years for more descriptions. You can find that at https://www.facebook.com/EffectiveGroupCoaching. I wrap up chapter 4 with a section on Choosing Your Platform, a case study with Jane, the Virtual Facilitator, and End of Chapter Wrap up questions. Be sure to fill out your Action Plan Tracker. I hope that you have enjoyed Chapter 4 – The Ecosystem of Virtual Learning. Please take a minute to pass this on to someone in your network who can benefit. Thank you! Enjoy! Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here Welcome back to day 54 of the Effective Virtual Conversations daily author reading series. Over the last three decades, I’ve had the opportunity to work with thousands of professionals in having better virtual conversations. I hope that you will pass this series on to others you know can benefit from the focus on their conversations. Today, we are exploring pages 150- 151 of the book, eight different peer coaching and communication skills which can be important to develop in all those involved in having virtual conversations – from listening, to questioning, to “mirroring” or using the language you have just heard, verbatim. What are the skills you want to develop with those you are in conversation with? What will help to create a great conversation space? Best, Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here Welcome back to day 53 of the Daily Reading Series as part of my response to COVID-19. I hope that these daily installments from my 2017 book, Effective Virtual Conversations, provides you with the opportunity to focus in on building your skills and practices in virtual conversations. We’ve been making our way through chapter 4 of Effective Virtual Conversations and in today’s installment we look at pages 148- 150.
Enjoy and please share this with others who can benefit. Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here Welcome back! It’s day 52 of the Effective Virtual Conversations Daily reading series. Today I’m pleased to take you through pages 146-148 of Chapter 4. In today’s reading we explore how to leverage one of my favorite parts of virtual conversation platforms - breakouts. I think one of the reasons why virtual conversations sometimes get a bad reputation is that they aren’t really a conversation. They aren’t a dialogue which involves two people. Merely, many leaders use virtual platforms as an opportunity to “talk at” people, rather than engage people in dialogue. Listen in today’s reading and be sure to have a pen handy so you can note the Breakout and Partner Questions I share at the end of the recording. You may want to incorporate these. Please be sure to pass this on to others who can benefit from the knowledge. If you want to amplify your skills, consider joining me for the next Virtual Facilitation Essentials program, coming up on June 10th and 17th. Learn more about the program here. With best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here Welcome back! It’s day 51 of the Effective Virtual Conversations Daily reading series. Today I’m pleased to take you through pages 143 to 145 of Chapter 4. In this chapter, I explore nine different types of virtual conversation areas including meetings, video based learning, team based approaches, and mentoring. We have made our way to Category #9 – Peer Approaches. What type of peer conversations are you incorporating in your organization? In today’s reading I start exploring at a high level of different ways you may want to leverage peers in your virtual conversations, along with how to equip peers for success. There are number of skills we want to build across our entire team including Listening, Questioning, Presence. Tomorrow we will explore breakouts and incorporating peer partners into longer programs. Enjoy! Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here Welcome back to day 50 of the Effective Virtual Conversations Daily Reading series. I had no idea when I started this how long this would be running for, and I continue to enjoy the emails I receive from listeners and readers. I’m so pleased to hear that this is helping you have better conversations with your teams, leaders and other partners! Today’s installment takes us into category 8 of 9 different types of conversations in the virtual ecosystem. Today’s focus is on Team Development. We cover pages 138 to 143, including a little on Virtual Retreats, Team Meetings and also Team Coaching. Listen in and enjoy today’s installment. Please take a minute to share this with others in your network who can benefit. You might share the link or post it on your social feed. Everyone, including yourself, will benefit from enhanced skills around you. Enjoy your conversations! Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here Welcome back! We are at Day 49 of the 2020 author reading series of Effective Virtual Conversations. Thanks for joining us. Today we explore pages 135 to 138- five different traps we can find ourselves slipping into with Group and Team Coaching Conversations in the Virtual space. Be sure to listen in and note what these traps are, as well as what you can do to avoid them. I’ve had a number of emails asking how much longer I’ll be doing the audios for. A little while longer! While I don’t think we’ll get through the entire book, I’m committed to doing them for a few more weeks. I hope that you are enjoying them and please pass this on to others in your network who could benefit from the series. What’s been your favorite tip so far? What’s helped you enhance them impact of your virtual conversations? Enjoy! Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here Welcome back! It’s day 48 of the Effective Virtual Conversations Daily reading series. Today I’m pleased to take you through the first part of Category #7 of 9 different types of the virtual learning ecosystem I cover in Chapter 4 of Effective Virtual Conversations. In this chapter, I explore nine different types of virtual conversation areas including meetings, video based learning, team based approaches, and mentoring and peer approaches, along with coaching. As a professional coach for the last 18 years I’ve been privileged to engage in tens of thousands of hours with individuals, teams and groups in coaching conversations. From working with virtual and remote leaders, to solopreneurs, and teams, every coaching conversation is different. They are always shaped by the client, and connect in deeply to that person's (or persons') goals, supporting them in developing new awareness, or taking some action. As the coach, my role is often to provide an accountability framework with them, to help them do things quicker, faster, better or differently. Listen in as I share a little more about coaching approaches in the virtual space. As you will hear, many coaches, like myself, have embraced virtual conversations for one or more decades. In today’s reading I also share a little more about group coaching, the topic of my 2010 book, Effective Group Coaching. Little known fact -this book was the world’s first book to be published on the topic of group coaching. It’s still being used by coach training schools all over the world. Enjoy today’s installment! Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here Mentoring is an often overlooked modality which can provide immense value in boosting organizational capability. In today’s Effective Virtual Conversations reading, I am focusing on Mentoring in the Virtual and Remote Space. We are covering pages 129 to 133 of the book. In particular you will want to listen into the section around In the Spotlight – Making the Most of Your Mentoring Experience. In this section I cover key things you will want to incorporate into your work, the life cycle of the mentoring relationship, and key skills to lean into. As I share in the recording, if you are looking for support to build out your own mentoring programs, please contact myself or Susan Combs. Together we have created the Mentor Roadmap series of programming, mentor workbooks and training supports for both mentors and proteges. We’ve been fortunate to support mentor pairings since 2014 across a range of industries including education, financial services and also agriculture. Let’s set up a time to discuss how the Mentor Roadmap training and programming supports can support you with your virtual mentoring initiative. Enjoy the conversation, Jennifer Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO - Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Author of several books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and PlanDoTrack for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019) - pick up a digital PDF copy of PlanDoTrack at our site. Contact us to discuss support for your remote workspace - team, individual and organizational coaching, training and virtual facilitation Download a copy of the Remote Working Whitepaper here |
AuthorJoin Effective Virtual Conversations Author Jennifer Britton for regular posts to spark your ideas and conversations virtually! Jennifer is the author of five books including her latest PlanDoTrack. Upcoming Programs Virtual Facilitation Essentials: (8.5 CCEs with ICF) Mondays 1:30 - 245 pm ET:May 4, 11, 18, June 1 and 8 (8.5 CCEs) - Virtual
OR participate in a 1 day offering. Upcoming dates include Wednesday April 29 OR May 6 (9 - 430 pm ET) Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs); Fridays 10 - 1115 am ET: April 24, May 1, 8, 15 and 22,2020 (Virtual - by zoom) PlanDoTrack Facilitator Training - Join our list of those interested in participating in the next 3 day virtual offering - Mid-May to June Learning Lab and Design Studio meets throughout the year on Fridays from 8:45 -930 am ET (Weeks 1 and 3 of month). Join us for a month or the year. October's focus is on team coaching. Coaching Biz Growth Lab - Business Group Coaching for Coaching Business Owners - Meets Week 1 and 3 Fridays of Each Month (3-4 pm ET). Archives
July 2020